Best Health and Beauty Tips to Flourish from within  in 2024.

This is the year when we dare to take a look at our health and find out, what it is we need to bring forth the best in us. The year we figure out what is going on with our health and YouTube is a great tool to help with that. 

Some may be dealing with inflammation and the micro biome could be the key to solve many of those issues. When someone is healthy, they reflect beautifully skin. The skin can say a lot about our health. So we should dare to find out what is causing a certain issue that our skin is reflecting and our gut is always where we fix this issues, which is why I'm recommending Neotonics ( for women over 30, if you want to have better...

     . Cell turnover, to replace dead skin with younger cells and make skin appear radiant, tighter, without fine lines or wrinkles.

     . Improve severe acne issues   
     . Improving digestion 

So improving from within with these gummies is easy.

What we eat can solve many issues and keto diets shed light on that and you can follow some recipes on Healing Gourmet (

Our teeth and gums also reflect our health. If you have had to take antibiotics, and now you have bleeding gums it's very important to replace the good bacteria and Pro Dentim (affiliates@prodentim-product), is a brand new Probiotic specifically designed for the health of your teeth and gums with a blend of 3.5 billion probiotic strains, and nutrients backed by clinical research.

With life sometimes being challenging and stressful our memory gets triggered with forgetfulness and Neurozoom (:// vendor=neurozoom&affililiate=gigsolvr), has a proprietary formula  consisting of 35 essential memory antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and herbs, carefully selected for max results, potency and concentration.

And how about our hearing, if you are having issues with loud noises or what is called ringing in the ears try Cortexi-Hearing& Brain Health (affiliates@cortexi-product), it improves brain cognition and mood with a blend of herbs such as, Green Tea, Capsicum Annum, Maca Root, Panax Ginseng, GymnemasSylvester and Astragalus.

Do you have a sluggish metabolism, where anything you eat makes you gain weight and wish there wa something to improve your metabolism, try Liv Pure ( to help your liver detoxify your blood.

These are just recommendations I am not a doctor, for proper diagnosis consult a professional health provider.

I wish you the best health.

Recipe to stop the spread 

An easy and quick recipe to stop the spread of the mite that causes itchy skin came about due to the fact that it was the only place it kept showing signs of coming back again and again after thoroughly cleaning all surrounding areas.

Salt doesn't dissolve into fat content. Blend salt into powder.

1Tbs. Powdered Salt

1Tbs. Baking Soda 

3Tbs. Butter/Margerine

Mix and spread around the Toilet's Water Passageways in the toilet bowl.

To experience it's effectiveness the adjacent areas with crevices must be vacuumed out. This include the shower, which has a lot of crevices we normally take for granted, not to mention the holes on the walls to even containers in it and towels hanging over the toilet.

If you have any questions or comments please leave your information in the comments section so I can follow up. Thank you.